Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Get A Load Of These Match(less) Wonders!

In case you've ever wondered what some people do with their spare time -- especially if you've wondered about people who have a lot of spare time -- check out the Matchstick Marvels Museum.

Amazing, amazing, amazing.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Remember, I Promised Variety!

The whole premise of this blog is finding things all over the map. I would certainly consider the following to be in the relatively off-the-wall category and of almost not improtance....but kinda fun!

We've all seen the ads or found the phonebook listings for companies who have phones numbers with words in lieu of just numbers. A oft-use example in our household -- as Earthlink subscribers -- is 800-EarthLink (which, of course, is actually 800-327-8454).

Not that I've thought about it all that often, but I've occasionally wondered if my own phone number spells anything.

Guess what! There's a site that will take numbers you type in and tell you what words can be made of it.

Give it a try. It's PhoneSpell.Org.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Rich Stores of Educational Resources

I came across two extensive groupings of Internet resources related to education. Housed at Kean University, they are:

Educational Links for Middle School People

Educational Links for New Teachers

I haven't had time to check out all the links here -- and there are many, many of them -- but these look like valuable resources. They are double-chedked a couple times every year so should be both there and reliable.

The many links on each page are organized by subject area and, though, the pages are long, they have anchor links and "back to the top" links that make navigation fairly efficient.

I know I'll be coming back to these pages often in the future.