Tuesday, July 13, 2004

OneLook and Over Six Million Words

As I'm clicking and clacking away on e-mail or word processing, I've gotten more and more in the habit of nabbing definitions or checking spelling online. Not long ago I discovered that, among the many other things it can do, Google can give you short, succinct word definitions. All you have to do is type in the search field "define:" [no quotes] followed by a space and the word you want defined. For example, type "define: miscellanea" [again, no quotes] and in a split second you'll get a concise definition of miscellanea and a link to the source of that definition. Kind of a handy feature right there in our familiar search engine....but.....

Consider checking out OneLook. This is like an online meta dictionary. Like meta search engines, which sends out your search string to multiple separate search engines and brings back the separate results, OneLook sends out the word you want defined to multiple online dictionaries. The results are listed by specific dictionary.

OneLook says "6,097,226 words in 970 dictionaries indexed". That's quite a lot of words to explore!

But there is more: OneLook also offers translations and a "reverse dictionary" feature. Check out their About OneLook page which does a good job of laying out the tools they offer.

OneLook may not be the answer to all your questions about words, but I think you'll discover, as I have, the more you use OneLook the more you'll like it and find it useful.

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