Thursday, August 26, 2004

A Sobering Moment For Boomers

For those of us entering the phase of our life when the former belief we held that not only were our spirits immortal but so are our bodies, getting older is having a way of bringing a new sense of reality to that optimism. I have the feeling that a number of folks in their 40's - 60's are discovering those gradual changes in what our joints and muscles can and can no longer do. Another dose of reality will come in the filling out of the online survey at the Living To 100 Calculator. When you're finished answering the questions, the calculator will give you your lifespan prediction.

I just completed mine and was pleased to get the result of 88.1 years. As encouraging as that number is, going through the process of answering the site's questions can't help but get you thinking about your lifestyle habits such as exercise, diet, and stress along with the influences you inherit and have no control over, such as your family health history. Responding to those questions also reminds you about what your daily habits and lifestyle are. It's not difficult to be reminded about the things you might be doing that aren't really that helpful in terms of sustaining long-term health, not to mention 100-year lifespans.

Again, it was somewhat a relief to find out at least someone thinks I'm going to head out well into my 80's. But maybe, just maybe, if I change and improve some of my habits, I have enough time to improve my changes of making it into my 90's. It's certainly worth giving it a try!

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