Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Scientific Credibility On The Big Screen

The online version of Chemical & Engineering News has a service on its website called ReelScience.

ReelScience reviews selected movies in national release. The reviews not only give the standard summaries of plot and character but they also examine the science behind the "plot" and see how it compares with "real" science.

One movie recently reviewed was "The Day After Tomorrow." C&EN writer Bette Hileman gives the flick four of five stars (I, Robot only got two-and-a-half). A sample paragraph from her review says:
To a scientist, the film is interesting because it compresses everything that could happen under an abrupt climate change scenario (and much that could not happen) into a few days, rather than the more realistic decades. A collapse of the thermohaline circulation is a low-probability, but high-impact event. If it did occur in the early 21st century, it would have a huge impact on weather.
Other films currently reviewed inclue "Blue Butterfly" and "Godsend."

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