Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Those Amazing Explorers -- Lewis & Clark

I cannot really claim to have much detailed knowledge about the Lewis and Clark expedition. However, just the rough outlines of the trips they took from the mid-west to the far west of the United States is enough to, well, "blow my mind."

The Lewis and Clark Project, sponsored by the University of Montana and NASA, is a rich resource to study and re-live the incredible accomplishment of the teams of people who made those treks.

Though fairly lengthy, I quote here the mission of the project:
The National Lewis and Clark Education Project engages educators in a dynamic understanding of The Lewis and Clark expedition (1803-1806) and the nature of the trail's historical and modern landscapes. To achieve these objectives, The Education Project utilizes advanced education technologies, integrates interdisciplinary curricula into the classroom, supports scholarly dialogue and develops multimedia geographical data accessible through the Internet.

Utilizing our 30 station mobile computing lab, conference facilities at The University of Montana, a robust, interactive web presence, and remote teacher workshop capabilities, The Education Project reaches out to a wide educational audience and supports Lewis and Clark education programs across the country.

The Education Project explores landscape change and develops a variety of tools that assist educators in determining the cultural and ecological interactions inherent in this change. Comparing contemporary and historical interpretations of the trail provides a framework for the integration of remote sensing imagery, Geographic Information System (GIS), and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies. Collectively, these new classroom technologies support interdisciplinary curricula and contextual documentation.

The Education Project aggregates geographical, historical, and ecological information, advanced technologies, and field-based interpretation. As a national resource for educators interested in the Lewis and Clark expedition, The Education Project pursues cooperative alliances with multiple Lewis and Clark programs across the country and facilities the important exchange of ideas and classroom resources across boundaries.

The National Lewis and Clark Education Project invites other organizations, institutions and peoples involved in preparations for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial (2003-2006) to participate in this Lewis and Clark education cooperative. Working closely with private and public sector pioneers in technology and educational content, The Education Project serves a national constituency and seeks to enhance the spirit of collaboration shared by all parties participating in the commemoration of the "Corps of Discovery".

Clearly, this is a site devoted to keeping the history of this exploration alive and not forgotten. It also uses technology to give greater power and meaning to the information left to us by those who went before us.

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