Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PNAIS 2009 TechShare Conference -- Day One

Session 1 – All Attendees

Global Education

Presenters: Vicki Butler (SAAS) along with other members of the TechShare planning committee

Vicki started us off thinking about the ways in which the integration of technology can enhance involving our students in the issues of the world we live in. We watched a PowerPoint presentation she used to help identify the issues.

Soon we were invited to break up in groups and accomplish a couple goals. One was somewhat practical in that organizers had brought with a clutch of video cameras (most were Flip) and wanted us to have our own opportunity to have some “hands on” experience using this video technology. A second goal was to use those video cameras to record images or scenes that, in our small group’s view, somehow identified the global connection we saw in the things around us.

These exercises were a nice way to bring focus to the group on our coming days together since many of us had spent a significant chunk of the day traveling by car to get to Welches.

Session 2 -- Educator Track

SmartBoard Presentation and Demo

Presenter: Jimi Robinson (Evergreen School)

Jimi had brought a portable SmartBoard to the conference and used it for his presentation.
This, admittedly, was pretty much all review for me. However, based on the amount of energy and interest displayed by others in this session, there apparently are a number of people still unacquainted with SmartBoards.

There was also brief mention of some alternate hardware (i.e. Mimio, Promethean Activboards) which were used by some of the other attendees in their schools.

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