Monday, July 26, 2004

Just Amazing!

It does not take a degree in rocket science or a stint in medical school to recognize that the human being is one amazing (and amazingly complex) organism. Whether from a psychological or physicological standpoint, we are -- I can't help saying it again -- amazing.

We figured out that we were pretty complex animals (and way cool compared to just about anything else out there on two or four feet) long before there was an Internet or computers were around supposedly making our lives better. Human beings have long recognized that we are made up of incredibly intricate systems and elaborate structures that hold us together and keep us going (and growing). If anything technology has helped us see even greater complexities than we ever knew existed.

I do think, though, that the power of computers and the Internet can make the study and appreciation of what makes us tick all the more rewarding when applied effectively and creatively..

And that's exactly how I'd characterize the BBC's Human Body and Mind web site. Actually part of the BBC's web presence -- which has other resources including Health, Lifestyle, Children's, Entertainment, News, Sports, Music, and Business/Money -- start by clicking the link to Science and Nature.

This portion of the BBC site is incredible in and of itself. With information about Animals, Prehistoric Life, and Space there as well, go to Human Body and Mind. From there you can diverge off into the portion covering The Mind or The Body.

We used the interactive features in our study of muscles and joints last year. Kids and teachers alike were pretty much blown away by what the BBC has made available here. I really can't begin to describe the depth and imaginative presentation of this material.

Rather, I urge you to take a few moments and visit this site. Oh, and pick a time when you don't have a lot else going on. Once you start exploring, you'll be endlessly fascinated. Like any amazing story, you won't want to stop discovering more and more.

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