Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Time and Time Again

Finding time seems to be a challenge for a lot of us. Most of the people I run into are hurrying from one thing to another, trying their best not to be late. Or taking out their day planners and trying to squeeze in that doctor's appointment or quick errand.

When you think more globally about time, you can get quite taken up with thinking about what people the world over are doing at any particular moment. Or you might have relatives or friends some distance away. Imagining what they're doing -- or if it's not too late to give them a call -- can be fun.

A site to check out if you want to think about all sorts of measures of time is Time and Date.Com. You can start with the World Clock and see the time in the most remote places. There are calendars you generate according to your own specifications.

You can even enter your birthday and see what time/day/year it is when you've been alive for, oh say, 2,000,000,000 seconds or 15,000 days old.

Useful tools here include being able to determine the time in any time zone at the moment or at some other specified date/time of your choosing. There are also places where you can find out what the time zone abbreviations mean and what places do or don't observe daylight savings time.

When you have a sec, check out Time and Date.Com.

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